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Life Space Crisis Intervention Training

Life Space Crisis Intervention (LSCI) is a nationally recognized, professional training and certification program sponsored by the Life Space Crisis Intervention Institute.

LSCI is an advanced, therapeutic verbal strategy for turning crisis situations into learning opportunities for children and youth with chronic patterns of self-defeating behaviors. LSCI views problems or stressful incidents as opportunities for learning, growth, insight, and change. This NON-PHYSICAL intervention program uses a multi-theoretical approach to behavior management and problem solving.

LSCI provides educators, counselors, social workers, and other youth care professionals, as well as parents with a roadmap through conflict to desired outcomes using crisis as an opportunity to teach and create positive relationships with youth.

Through LSCI training, you can learn specific skills for helping children and youth who:
  • Act out in stress toward unsuspecting helpers, sparking explosive and endless power struggles
  • Make poor decisions based on distorted thought patterns and perceptual errors
  • Have the right intentions and motivation but lack the social skills to be successful
  • Are purposefully aggressive and exploitive with little conscience
  • Act in self-damaging ways due to being burdened with shame and inadequacy
  • Become entangled in destructive peer relationships and are vulnerable to manipulation

For more information on LSCI training opportunities or to have the certification course delivered to your area, please visit or

LSCI Training offers up to 30 CEU's for eligible professionals and up to 3 graduate credits in Psychology or Special Education.